Monday, May 30, 2011

Your heart is a mansion...

Why are you worried about where the road will take you?  It doesn't matter.  Until you get rid of the block, you're not going anywhere.  So focus on getting rid of the block.  Everything you need, everything you want… that your soul truly desires… it's all out there.  Open your heart.  You feel like you're stuck in a lobby, but the truth is that your heart is a mansion and you are the owner; just get out of the lobby already!  It's that simple.

Thank you, SR!  I love you! <3

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You are the rain

I love rain…

Sitting out on my porch this evening,
I closed my eyes and just got lost in thought.
At one point I realized how much sound there
was in my thoughts.  Almost like a background
score.  It was the sound of rain. 
Its presence was a balm to my otherwise
somber thoughts...
I remembered how much I loved the rain…
always have…
and perhaps always will.
I love it for what it is.
For what it brings.
For what it gives.
For what it does.
In soooo many ways!

But… but…
sometimes it's more than I can handle.
It doesn't mean I don't love it anymore, or any less!!
But I can't have just that… I need the
sun too… to soak in the rain…. to grow from it…
to be ready for more.

But I'll still always love the rain!

I suppose I love you like the rain!

Monday, May 16, 2011


For a long time, I wanted to break free from all that ties me down. All that keeps me from going where I feel I’m being pulled. I “almost” did it once! One week! I disappeared from my life and took shelter with a loving welcoming friend.  As free as I felt, I also felt lost. Very lost and scared! That felt like a very loooong week! But it helped open my eyes to a truth that was humbling, to say the least. Truth, not knowledge!  We are nothing without our ties. They make us who we are. They pull at us – some stronger than others, some we encourage, some we fight. But collectively they determine our direction that is ultimately guided by our own choices. Our ties keep us grounded. They keep us from getting lost into oblivion. They keep us alive after we die.