Friday, November 4, 2011


The pen-on-paper kind of writing - I love it!  I love doing it.  The actual act of it... the feel of it... my mood coming out in my handwriting - it's an interesting experience!  I know it's probably crazy, but there have been times I've opened up a book, picked a part I really like, and began writing it somewhere.  I just looove the pen-on-paper kind of writing!

Lately I've noticed that I've gotten a little reckless with the formality of it though.  I don't worry about the ruled lines anymore.  I'm a little less concerned about the handwriting.  (It's still pretty decent, which is rare these days anyway.)  And allowing myself to be free of the "structure" provided by the ruled lines seems to allow my thoughts to flow more freely too.  The faster I'm thinking, the less particular I am about how and where I'm writing.  And the less concerned I am about the structure that's provided merely as a guideline, the more I am able to express myself on the page.  And that makes the writing experience a whole lot more fulfilling!  At least to myself.  That's who I do it for primarily anyway, as do most people who engage in any kind of creative expression!

BUT... I have trouble writing on a blank page!  Go figure!

That, metaphorically speaking, reflects to some extent what freedom means to me!


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